Any rules that are in the "Quick rules & guidelines", but are not mentioned in here, STILL ARE VALID RULES!.
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Demobase rules and guidelines:
- You may only have one account registered here. If you wish to have your name changed, please request a new name from an administrator. Note that any new accounts you register will be deleted and you'll remain using your first and original account.
- Avoid messing with people. Do not irritate, flame or insult. Do not continue a flamewar.
- No "threadmining" - only post in very old topics if you have something important and relevant to add.
- Make your topics in the correct sections. (Fairplay topics go to the Fairplay section ...)
- Use English in your posts. Any other language should only be used in the national sections. This is an international forum for international discussion.
- If you have a problem with some member of the forums, move the conversation to an instant messaging program (MSN, ICQ, IRC...) or use Private Messages to handle with the situation inside the forums.
- No abuse of the forum, e-mail, or PM system will be tolerated. Don't do it.
- Respect the admins, the moderators and every other member of Demobase.
- Don't post warez links and generally don't help people with their shady warez needs. This isn't a warez forum. On that note, don't post anything else that's illegal/-ish, because illegal things are illegal. (can't argue with that, can you?)
Clan/team forums:
- Clan/team forums will only be made if the clan/team has all of its members registered in Demobase
- Clan/team forums will only be made if the required info is given (required really does mean required)
- The clan should have a website
- It is the forum moderators' job to keep the forum clean of all behaviour that violates the site rules
- The clan/team section must remain active (the admins decide if it is too inactive). Inactive sections WILL be deleted without notice. As a good rule, 2-3 months without a single post is considered too inactive.
- If you know you're going to be inactive and don't want your section removed, contact an administrator
- If the clan/team dies, it should contact an admin to have its section removed (pretty please?)
- Admins also will delete any section that does not keep with the above or elsewhere mentioned guidelines without any further notice
- A signature banner should be max. 600x200 in size. The smaller the better, 400x100 is more than enough.
- With a signature banner it is recommended that no text should be used.
- Only one signature banner per signature, no matter the size
- Any text WITH a signature banner should not be more than one or two lines. This, of course, depends on the size of the signature banner. (small banner allows more text)
- A signature with only text should NOT be more than 200px in height
- Admins have the power to edit your signature if it is in violation of the boundaries set by this rule. (DURRRRRR)